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The UK-India Social Entrepreneurship in Education Network aims to promote collaboration and best practice in social entrepreneurship teaching between UK and Indian universities. As a peer-led network of practitioners, academics and educators from universities across the two countries, UKISEEN uses the latest in digital technology and social media to provide a platform for knowledge transfer and resource sharing, leading to the establishment of high quality social entrepreneurship teaching and learning.
Mr. Kaverysubramaniam, Finance Manager, Mr. Raja Ganesh, Programme Coordinator, Ms. Pavithra, Programme Assistant from SLI along with our faculties Mr. Nick and Mr. Parthasharathy participated in this two day event at IIT-Madras on 15th & 16th April 2016.
As an outcome of this visit, IRMA, Anand and UKISEEN have invited SLI to be part of a new network of agencies working on Social Entrepreneurship across the country. This network will share research studies and facilitate cross learning between the partnering agencies.