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On the occasion of international rural women’s day it was a call for a change and to celebrate the acts of courage and determination by ordinary women who have played an extraordinary role in the history of their communities and families. Sustainable Livelihood Institute celebrated this day with sixty women from various rural pockets of Thiruvanamalai, Thiruvallur and Kanchipuram districts. The participants volunteered themselves in decorating, cleaning and making traditional kolams to beautify the SLI campus.
SLI welcomed all in a traditional way with flowers and sweets. Mr. Raja Ganesh, Programme coordinator of SLI introduced the participants and guests about SLI and the purpose of gathering. A short photo presentation on SLI and its different activities especially prepared by Mr. Satish of SLI was played for the participants to give an overview of the activities of SLI. Ms. Pavithra from SLI gave a short talk on women’s empowerment that was quite motivating. Mr.Lakshmi Narayanan, Liaison Officer, SLI and Ms.Nachal, Traditional Food expert gave short speeches on the occasion. Mr. Alain Bernard, Executive of the IRD Unit, Auroville that hosts SLI also greeted the women gathered on the special day.
The participants were given two medicinal plant saplings each along with a certificate as a remembrance of this event. Mr. Chandru from SLI explained the medicinal uses and importance of the saplings. A special lunch was arranged for all the participants and guests at SLI.