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Social Life Animation India (SOLAI) PRO-GRAM, Katpadi organized 2 days Colloquium on Ecological Economics of Dr. J.C. Kumarappa and its Relevance to India Today at their organization premises on 19th Oct’15 & 20th Oct’15 to strengthen the emerging Ecological Economic thought process among People and the Social actors on the ground. Experts from different walks of life participated in this event and presented their papers on various topics and shared their views and experiences.
Mr. Ramasubramanian, Director SLI presented a paper on J.C Kumarappa’s Vision : an action translation Just Beginning and shared the experiences of some of the projects such as on Tula Garments, Organic Farmers Market, Poorna Rural Livelihoods Initiative and Sriram Foods. Further he chaired a session on Eco based Rural Entrepreneurship in which Mr. Mohanraj, Director KVIC (MSME) (Retd), Secretary – Palm Products Research and Promotion Foundation presented his paper on Palmyra Trees for Development (Palm Gur and Palm Products).